Additional Procedures

With advancements in science and medicine, people now have access to safer, less invasive, and non-surgical alternatives to traditional procedures.

These cutting-edge treatments provide natural-looking results, allowing individuals to enhance their appearance and well-being with greater convenience and minimal recovery time.

Non-Surgical Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation can be achieved without implants through non-invasive techniques and non-surgical treatments.

These alternatives are ideal for those seeking modest enhancement with minimal downtime and natural results.

Non-Surgical Butt Lift

A Butt Lift or Augmentation can be achieved without Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) surgery through.

These options offer natural-looking results with minimal downtime and are ideal for individuals seeking a subtle lift and contouring without surgery.

Hip Dips Procedure

Hip Dips, or the inward curves along the sides of the hips, can be improved with non-invasive Medical Aesthetic procedures.

These procedures provide subtle, natural results with minimal to no downtime, enabling patients to enhance their body shape without the need for surgery.

Medical Weight Loss

At Dr. Andersson Clinic, patients are supported throughout their weight loss journey with safe, medically-backed solutions.

Our expert team provides personalized treatment plans and ongoing support, ensuring lasting results.

Focusing on health and well-being, we combine advanced medical techniques with a compassionate approach, helping patients achieve their weight loss goals in a safe and effective manner.


At Dr. Andersson Clinic, we warmly welcome patients from all backgrounds, including those who are transitioning.

With our medical expertise, we are dedicated to helping individuals achieve their goals and feel confident in their own skin.

We take pride in fostering a supportive and inclusive environment where every patient feels valued and understood.

Through our extensive knowledge and advanced Non-invasive Medical Aesthetic procedures, we strive to turn aspirations into reality with care and precision.